
Beekeeping can be a challenging endeavor and an experienced guide/mentor can help equip you with the right tools needed to aid you in getting through your first couple seasons! Beekeeping is different than other hobbies because once you have bees you now have 10,000 (or more) tiny flying insects that will sometimes need your help. Reading a book is one thing but do you know what you are looking for when you pull out a frame of bees?
Learn more about the 2025 mentorship HERE

What You Will Learn:
- Seasonal beekeeping techniques for our area
- Develop technical skills
- Learn about hive pests and how to identify/test/treat
- Learn the basics of beekeeping woodenware and how to prep your hives
- How to conduct a mite check (powdered sugar & alcohol test)
- How to overwinter beehives
- How to collect a swarm
- What equipment you need and why
- Accesss to local resources for beekeeping equipment, bees, queens, etc.
- How to make a split
- Various types of beekeeping and how and why they differ
What You Will Get:
- Local bees
- Monthly meetup opportunities
- Hands on experience with bees before getting bees
- Learn about hive placement and the best spot to keep bees in your yard
- Access to your mentor and others on a private channel where you can ask questions and get answers, share information, and learn from others
- A direct line to a professional beekeeper to ask questions of whenever you need
- Hands on experience processing beeswax
- Hands on experience processing honey
- Accesss to a honey extractor
- The opportunity to be part of a honeybee removal/extraction
Not every beekeeper is a good mentor. There are some skills that come along with being a good mentor and that is being a good teacher and communicator. It’s more than knowing how to do something but it’s being able to explain the how and the why. Make sure you find someone you click with and that has a proven track record!

Mentorship: If you are ready to learn how to be successful at beekeeping send me a message and we can discuss the Fall mentorship startup. Learn more HERE

Brand New beekeepers: If you are looking into getting bees for the first time, I am available for a consult to discuss: where to place your hives, flight paths, water sources, tipping your hives, and more. With my practical advice and encouragement and your eagerness and willingness to learn, together we can develop a plan for your apiary. $50 for one hour
New-ish Beekeepers: I also offer customized “as needed” one-on-one mentoring if you’d like an extra set of eyes after just getting started. This option is helpful if you’d like help installing packages & nucs, setting up feed, conducting mite tests, keeping your smoker lit (it can be frustrating!), or just to have an extra hand during hive inspections to help you lift things and discuss/observe your colonies. I am also available to answer questions via text or phone for times you need a fast response. $50 for one hour

Current Beekeepers: I am available if you need an extra hand in the bee yard. Mite checks, requeening, swarm catching, splits, and feeding are some of the ways I can help you manage your colonies. Going out of town for a month and need a bee babysitter? If you want a second opinion or simply want someone to help you during a hive inspection-contact me! $50/1 hour