

My name is Carmen and I am the founder of NoogaHoneyPot. I am a second generation, now fifth-year beekeeper. As a beekeeper I like to merge science and the senses. You can learn a lot about bees by using the senses-after all, it is how they communicate with other. Over the years I’ve develped a system of beekeeping I call the 3 S’s which involves beekeeping for the Seasons (guided by experience), using all of your Senses (including your intuition), and using Science.

As a human with a neurotypical brain I like to share how bees are grounding and bring a special sensory experience and my new world (after becoming a beekeeper) is a testament to the power of honeybees.

I am a member of the Tennessee Beekeeper Association (TBA), the Southwestern Ohio Beekeeping Association (SWOBA). I also attend beekeeping meetings at ChattUBC. I am working on my Master Beekeeper certification at the University of Montana and currently hold the Journeyman-level certification.

Creekside Apiary

I currently have 38 hives across 2 counties in Eastern Tennessee. All of my colonies are filled with feral, rescued bees. I’ve rescued bees from all sorts of places! A 100-year old column, the middle of a street, a junkyard truck, trees, middle of the street, on a curb, in owl boxes, in bushes, and from eves of people’s homes. If you want to see me in action, follow my Instagram page. Here are a few photos taken of my apiaries.

Home Apiary (Elmwood Manor)
Red Bank Apiary
Mac’s Kitchen Tiny Apiary

My ancestors moved to Appalachia in the 1700’s. The idea of keeping bees was a seed planted long ago. My father was a firefighter and part time beekeeper (gardener, cyclist, photographer and lots of things I now enjoy doing-I even tried volunteer firefighting many moons ago).

Beekeeping with my dad

Because of it’s powerful healing properties when used locally, I like to keep my honey local. I do offer a 10oz jar in my gift box but other than that all of my honey is kept locally. I feel like it’s my duty as a beekeeper to save it for the locals who need it for fighting allergens. Over the years I’ve built my small business with bee related products. SHOP HERE

What I’ve Learned…

I learned there is more work to be done in the field other than just managing hives. I want to focus my time and talents on supporting other women in the beekeeping community. If you are a female beekeeper in Appalachia I would welcome the opportunity to do a blog about you!