

My name is Carmen and I am the founder of NoogaHoneyPot. I am a second generation, now fifth-year beekeeper. As a beekeeper I like to merge science and the senses. You can learn a lot about bees by using the senses-after all, it is how they communicate with other. I also like to a little bit of science and a little bit intuition (guided by experience) when it comes to making decisions for my bees.

As a human with a neurotypical brain I like to share how bees are grounding and bring a special sensory experience and my new world (after becoming a beekeeper) is a testament to the power of honeybees.

I am a member of the Tennessee Beekeeper Association (TBA), the Southwestern Ohio Beekeeping Association (SWOBA). I am working on my Master Beekeeper certification, and I am a graduate of the Journeyman Beekeeper course from the University of Montana.

I currently have 30 hives across 2 counties in Eastern Tennessee and I am currently in the process of increasing. All of my colonies are filled with feral, rescued bees. I’ve rescued bees from all sorts of places! A 100-year old column, a junkyard truck, trees, middle of the street, on a curb, in owl boxes, in bushes, and from eves of people’s homes. If you want to see me in action, follow my Instagram page. Here are a few photos taken of my apiaries.

Home Apiary (Elmwood Manor)
Red Bank Apiary

My ancestors moved to the Appalachians in the 1700’s. The idea of keeping bees was a seed planted long ago. My father was a firefighter and part time beekeeper (gardener, cyclist, photographer and lots of things I now enjoy doing-I even tried volunteer firefighting many moons ago).

Beekeeping with my dad

Because of it’s powerful healing properties when used locally, I like to keep my honey local. I do offer a 10oz jar in my gift box but other than that all of my honey is kept locally. I feel like it’s my duty as a beekeeper to save it for the locals who need it for fighting allergens. Over the years I’ve built my small business with bee related products. SHOP HERE

What I’ve Learned…

I learned there is more work to be done in the field other than just managing hives. I want to focus my time and talents on supporting other women in the beekeeping community. If you are a female beekeeper in Appalachia I would welcome the opportunity to do a blog about you!