July Photo Journal

I’m a bad beekeeper in the Summer. July. Was. Hot. Some days had a “feels like’ of 110. It was HARD to go outside, ya’ll. Hard. Humans aren’t the only ones that are hot. Animals are hot. Pollinators are hot. Everyone is thirsty. Chattanooga is experiencing a “moderate drought“, which means some damage to crops, pastures; streams, reservoirs, or wells are low.
July sting count: 8! Much better than last month’s 32!

This month my mentees and I met at a studen’t home and tested for Varroa. One of her hives had 48 if I am remembering correctly (that’s a lot). Resources are lacking so bees are feeding on sugar syrup and honey frames I am feeding back to them. I helped another beekeeper remove some bees from his very large top bar hive-he built it himself. This colony was gigantic and on his elderly neighbors porch. I have honey coming out of my ears (not really-well, sometimes) and I’ve been selling it locally and through my website.

I have done at least one apiary check this month at each of my apiaries this month. I spent some time helping some mentees and showing some potential mentees some hives. One of my 5 frame wooden nuc colonies absconded and I am basically a wax moth larvae keeper now. I cleaned that hive out and gave those guys to some chickens. I had a hive kill a queen. I had a late season swarm called a “starvation swarm” visit my backyard. I collected them and now one of my mentees has them.
Here’s to better temps in August! Happy beekeeping and thanks for reading! ~ Carmen

I am in the process of planning and organizing next years Mentee Corhort. If you are interested and ready to learn more about beekeeping then shoot me a message so I can send you more information! The program will run November 2024 to November 2025.
A reminder that Hive Tours are still available until Fall. Learn more and book your apiary tour here!